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Nina Reljić
Nina Reljić is a writer from London. She is currently a Poetry MFA candidate at Columbia University in New York City. Her poems are published or forthcoming in New Ohio Review, Image, The Tangerine, The Manchester Review, and Banshee. Two of her poems were selected as finalists for the Indiana Review 2021 Poetry Prize.

Articles Available Online

Halloween in America

Prize Entry

February 2022

Nina Reljić

Prize Entry

February 2022

Dogs dressed as other animals The gauze that hangs over houses reminds me of sickness   The church does confessions by appointment. I know...



Issue No. 7

The White Review No. 7 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 7

A few issues back we grandiosely stated ‘that it is more important now than ever to provide a forum...


Issue No. 2

The End of Francophonie: The Politics of French Literature

Lauren Elkin


Issue No. 2

I. We were a couple of minutes late for the panel we’d hoped to attend. The doors were closed...


Issue No. 20


Nicole Flattery


Issue No. 20

My boyfriend, the comedian, took pleasure in telling me about rejection – how it came about, how to cope...


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