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Octavia Bright

Octavia Bright is a London-based writer and academic, and co-host of the literary podcast and NTS Radio show Literary Friction. 

Articles Available Online

Lisa Taddeo’s ‘Three Women’

Book Review

September 2019

Octavia Bright

Book Review

September 2019

Reading Lisa Taddeo’s Three Women, I kept thinking of the artist Jenny Holzer’s statement from her work Truisms: ‘abuse of power comes as no...



August 2017

From The Dolphin House

Richard O’Brien


August 2017

Note for the following three poems: In 1965, a bottlenose dolphin christened Peter was the subject of a scientific...


July 2011

Editorial: a thousand witnesses are better than conscience

The Editors


July 2011

The closure of any newspaper is a cause for sadness in any country that prides itself, as Britain does,...


October 2015

War is Easy, Peace is Hard

Alexander Christie-Miller


October 2015

At around midday on 19 July, Koray Türkay boarded a bus in Istanbul and set off for the Syrian...


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