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Omar Robert Hamilton
Omar Robert Hamilton is an independent film-maker based in Cairo. His documentary films have been shown on Al Jazeera, Dream and Tahrir TV among others; his photographs have appeared in the Guardian, BBC News, The Economist, Al-Shorouk, the Daily Beast and he has written for various publications, including the Guardian, the BBC and the Big Issue. He was one of a group of film-makers and artists that started the recent Tahrir Cinema initiative and is now working with Mosireen, a media collective in Cairo.  

Articles Available Online

Film: Palestine Festival of Literature


May 2012

Omar Robert Hamilton


May 2012

Resistance needs to be recorded. Resistance needs symbols: ideas that can travel faster than speech, last longer than memory. Nowhere is this more understood,...
Egyptian Revolution: Bloody Wednesday (2 February 2011)


December 2011

Omar Robert Hamilton


December 2011

Almost one year on from the first battles in Tahrir Square, Egypt’s future remains uncertain. Many Egyptians believe that, far from heralding in a...



Issue No. 15

A Weekend With My Own Death

Gabriela Wiener

TR. Lucy Greaves


Issue No. 15

We all have tombs from which we travel. To reach mine I have to get a lift with some...


July 2012


John Clegg


July 2012

He trepans with the blunt screwdriver on his penknife: unripe figs require the touch of air on flesh to...


November 2013

The Past is a Foreign Country

Natasha Hoare


November 2013

‘The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.’ The immortal first line to L. P. Hartley’s...


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