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Prerana Kumar
Prerana Kumar is an Indian poet based in London. She has recently completed her MA in Creative Writing at UEA and has been shortlisted for Nine Arches Press’ Primers scheme. She has been published in Magma, Barren, Use Words First, and Ink Sweat & Tears amongst others. She is also a graduate of The Writing Squad.

Articles Available Online

Where My Body is Cactus

Prize Entry

February 2022

Prerana Kumar

Prize Entry

February 2022

for my sister   At least the supple mirage of sisterhood; a fleshy lap, a string of pulp-flowers in her hair-   after that,...



October 2015

Licence to Play

Thirza Wakefield


October 2015

In his 1992 essay ‘In Search of the Centaur’, the writer and critic Phillip Lopate described the essay-film as...


May 2013


Vanessa Hodgkinson

David Trotter


May 2013

What follows could have been an essay or an interview. In the event, it resembles the one as little...


February 2017

Interview with Hajra Waheed

Rebecca Travis


February 2017

This conversation with Hajra Waheed began in person with an opportune meeting at her Montreal studio in April 2016....


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