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R. V. Campbell

R. V. Campbell is completing her PhD in history at the University of Cambridge. Her work has recently appeared in Public Books, Feminist Review, Meanjin, Novara and the Independent. She has just finished a children’s book about International Women’s Day.

Articles Available Online

A net, a web, a trap: on ‘Glitch Feminism’

Book Review

November 2020

R. V. Campbell

Book Review

November 2020

I was fourteen when I first transformed from Rosa into ~<*RoSaBubbLe*>~. Propelled by my adoration of Courtney Love – the lead singer of Hole,...



June 2015

Interview with Moyra Davey

Hannah Gregory


June 2015

One way to think about Moyra Davey’s way of working across photography, film and text is in terms of...


May 2013


Saskia Hamilton


May 2013

Horses and geese in a sodden field. Solitaries with luggage on a wet platform. Postage-stamp house on a bit...


April 2014

Submission for the Journal of Improbable Interventions

Brenda Parker


April 2014

Abstract Preparations for experimental work must be conducted without interruption to ensure experimental success. In this work, the impact...


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