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Rebecca O’Dwyer
Rebecca O’Dwyer is an Irish art critic and writer living in Berlin.

Articles Available Online

Barbara Kleinhamplová, Sickness Report

Art Review

December 2018

Rebecca O'Dwyer

Art Review

December 2018

I am ill as I write this, a situation I attribute to taking public transport now that winter has arrived. Instead of cycling – a...



February 2015

Interview with Eddie Peake

Lily Le Brun


February 2015

Like many people, I had seen Eddie Peake’s penis long before I met the artist himself. For several years...


January 2015

The Vegetarian

Han Kang

TR. Deborah Smith


January 2015

Originally published as three separate novellas, the second of which secured the prestigious Yi Sang prize, The Vegetarian has...


Issue No. 5

Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 5

Hans Ulrich Obrist is a compulsive note taker. For the duration of our interview one hand twitches a pen...


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