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Reem Abbas
Reem Abbas is a poet, poetry critic, and reviewer. Her poems have appeared in PNR, PBRUM, ArabLit Quarterly, Wasafiri, and in the philosophy journal Crisis and Critique's special poetry issue. She was an Undertow poet at the Poetry Translation Centre (2021-22), and is writing her PhD on Basil Bunting’s Persian influences.

Articles Available Online

Tyranny of the Pomegranate

Prize Entry

June 2023

Reem Abbas

Prize Entry

June 2023

I mind my pomegranate like an open door watch it from the corner of my bed with the lights on. It grows on trees...



June 2012

'The Freedom of Speech Itself', or the betrayal of the voice

Lorena Muñoz-Alonso


June 2012

‘The instability of an accent, its borrowed and hybridised phonetic form, is testimony not to someone’s origins but only...


September 2013

Outside the Uniform

Kaya Genç


September 2013

I.   The first time I had to wear a uniform I looked like a madman struggling against a...


July 2014

Interview with Geoff Dyer

Tom Overton


July 2014

‘I’ve always believed that an artist is someone who turns everything that happens to him to his advantage’, Geoff...


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