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Rodrigo Rey Rosa
Rodrigo Rey Rosa is the author of more than twenty novels and collections of short fiction. He received Guatemala’s National Literature Award in 2004 for his book The Pelcari Project, and his novel The African Shore was a finalist for the 2013 Best Translated Book Award. His work has been translated into numerous languages, including English, Japanese, French, German, and Italian.

Articles Available Online

No Holds Barred


August 2016

Rodrigo Rey Rosa

TR. Brian Hagenbuch


August 2016

Hello. Dr Rivers’ clinic? Thank you. Yes. Yes, doctor, I would like to be your patient. With your permission, of course. No. It was...



January 2015

Litanies of an Audacious Rosary

Enrique Vila-Matas

TR. Rosalind Harvey


January 2015

FEBRUARY 2008   * I’m outraged, but I’ve learned a way of reasoning that quickly defuses my exasperation. This...


Issue No. 1

'Untitled (book covers)'

Viktor Timofeev


Issue No. 1

A slideshow presenting a series of collages by the London-based Latvian artist Viktor Timofeev, one gouache by whom was...


October 2013

At the Tate Britain: Art Under Attack

Joe Moshenska


October 2013

Iconoclasts have never known quite what to do with the ruined fragments that they leave behind. If we imagine...


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