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Sam Moore
Sam Moore is a writer and editor. They are the author of All my teachers died of AIDS (Pilot Press, 2020), and Long live the new flesh (2022). Their criticism has been published by Frieze, The FT, The Guardian, Hyperallergic, and more. They are one of the co-curators of TISSUE, a trans reading series based in London.

Articles Available Online

On the Altar of the Rat King

Art Review

March 2023

Sam Moore

Art Review

March 2023

Walking into Surrender, Jenkin van Zyl’s installation in which a film loops on the wall of a mock-up of a motel room, I found...



November 2015

None of this is Real

Anna Coatman


November 2015

Rachel Maclean’s films are startlingly new and disturbingly familiar. Splicing fairy tales with reality television shows, tabloid stories, Disney...


May 2014

Preparation for Trial

Ben Hinshaw


May 2014

Establish remorse from outset. Express bewilderment at sequence of events so unlikely, so absurd and catastrophic. Assure all present...


March 2017

Interview with Ondjaki

Stephen Henighan


March 2017

Ondjaki is the most prominent African writer of Portuguese from the generations born after Portugal’s five former colonies on...


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