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Sam Riviere
Sam Riviere's most recent publication is Safe Mode (Test Centre, 2017), an ambient novel.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Dag Solstad


June 2018

Sam Riviere

TR. Audun Mortensen


June 2018

According to some, Dag Solstad, who was born in Sandefjord in 1941, is Norway’s pre-eminent living novelist. From 1969’s Patina! Green! to The Insoluble...


Prize Entry

April 2015

I Told You...

Owen Booth

Prize Entry

April 2015

1. The Triumph of Capitalism   It was the end of the cold war and capitalism had won. Everywhere...


Issue No. 1

(Un)timely considerations on old and current issues

Donatien Grau


Issue No. 1

Criticism has not been doing well lately. The London Review of Books, Europe’s biggest-selling literary publication, would no longer...


January 2012

Collapse - A Memoir

Jesse Loncraine


January 2012

Author’s Note   I began writing about the war five years after it was over; a war the world...


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