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Sarah V. Schweig
Sarah V. Schweig's first book, Take Nothing With You, is forthcoming from the Kuhl House Poets series at the University of Iowa Press. She is also the author of the chapbook S (Dancing Girl Press). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in BOMB, Boston Review, The Iowa Review, The Literary Review, Slice, Tin House, The Volta, West Branch, and elsewhere. She lives in New York City.

Articles Available Online

Three New Poems


August 2016

Sarah V. Schweig


August 2016

‘The Audit’ and ‘Red Bank’ are excerpts from Schweig’s forthcoming book, Take Nothing With You (University of Iowa Press, 2016).   THE AUDIT   Groupwise, busy...



July 2014

Operation Paperclip

Naomi Pearce

Patrick Goddard


July 2014

‘I began at this point to feel that politics was not something “out there” but something “in here” and of...


July 2012

Poem for the Sightless Man (After Kate Clanchy)

Abigail Nelson


July 2012

This is just to say,   that the inked glasses that you wear look like the sound of shop...


May 2014

Interview with Eimear McBride

David Collard


May 2014

Eimear McBride’s first book, the radically experimental A Girl is a Half-formed Thing, was written when she was 27 and...


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