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Shivani Radhakrishnan
SHIVANI RADHAKRISHNAN is a writer whose work has appeared in n+1, The Washington Post, The Georgia Review, The Believer and others. She’s currently a PhD candidate in social philosophy at Columbia and in training to become a psychoanalyst at the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Anuk Arudpragasam


Issue No. 31

Shivani Radhakrishnan


Issue No. 31

I first met Anuk Arudpragasam at a party in New York. The apartment was heavy with music, but our exchange had its own infectious...



May 2013

Haneke's Lessons

Ricky D'Ambrose


May 2013

‘Art is there to have a stimulating effect, if it earns its name. You have to be honest, that’s...


February 2014

Starting with a Bang: Hannah Höch and The First International Dada Fair

Daniel F. Herrmann


February 2014

A spectre haunted the Lützow-Ufer – the spectre of Dadaism. It hung from the ceiling and peered down from the...


October 2013

A World of Sharp Edges: A Week Among Poets in the Western Cape

André Naffis-Sahely


October 2013

In Antal Szerb’s The Incurable, the eccentric millionaire Peter Rarely steps into the dining car of a train steaming...


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