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Sita Balani
Sita Balani is a writer and teacher. She is co-author of Empire's Endgame: Racism and the British State (forthcoming Pluto Press, 2021).

Articles Available Online

Against Mastery: A Dialogue on Ta-Nehisi Coates’s ‘The Water Dancer’

Book Review

July 2020

Sita Balani

Jay Bernard

Book Review

July 2020

Jay Bernard: Whenever I am asked to write about something – usually because I share some social category with the author, rather than an...



February 2013

The Currency of Paper

Alex Kovacs


February 2013

‘Labour is external to the worker, i.e. it does not belong to his essential being; that in his work,...


December 2011

The Pitch

Minashita Kiriu

TR. Jeffrey Angles


December 2011

Dripping excitedly from my earlobes And falling over my crowded routines A rain of Lucretius’ atoms Is just beginning...


Issue No. 11

Forgotten Sea

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 11

I. As I stood on the flanks of the Kaçkar Mountains where they slope into the Black Sea near...


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