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Sun Yung Shin
Sun Yung Shin (born 1974) is a Korean American poet, writer and educator. She is the Rough, and Savage (Coffee House Press, 2012), Skirt Full of Black (Coffee House Press, 2007), and the bilingual (English/Korean) illustrated children's book Cooper's Lesson (Children's Book Press an imprint of Lee & Low Books). Her new book of poems, Unbearable Splendor, is released with Coffee House Press on October 11, 2016.

Articles Available Online



December 2011

James Richards: Not Blacking Out...

Chris Newlove Horton


December 2011

Artist James Richards appropriates audio-visual material gathered from a range of sources, which he then edits into elaborate, fragmented...


September 2015

The Afternoon

Wolfgang Hilbig

TR. Isabel Fargo Cole


September 2015

Nothing new on Bahnhofstrasse! — These are the first words to occur to me upon arrival. With the word...


Issue No. 2

Portraits of Pierre Reverdy and Three Poems

Sam Gordon


Issue No. 2

ANDRÉ BRETON The most memorable thing about our meetings [around 1919-1920] was the almost complete bareness of the room in...


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