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Susanna Moore
Susanna Moore is the author of the novels The Life of ObjectsThe Big GirlsOne Last LookIn the CutSleeping BeautiesThe Whiteness of Bones, and My Old Sweetheart, and two books of nonfiction, Light Years: A Girlhood in Hawai’i and I Myself Have Seen It: The Myth of Hawai’i. She lives in New York City.

Articles Available Online



September 2011


Patrick Langley


September 2011

Jamie sat alone at the edge of the dance floor and wondered how long it would be until Nigel...

Prize Entry

April 2015

I Told You...

Owen Booth

Prize Entry

April 2015

1. The Triumph of Capitalism   It was the end of the cold war and capitalism had won. Everywhere...


February 2013

Haitian Art and National Tragedy

Rob Sharp


February 2013

Thousands of Haiti’s poorest call it home: Grand Rue, a district of Port-au-Prince once run by merchants and bankers,...


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