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Timothée Chaillou
Timothée Chaillou is an independent art critic and curator. He is a member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics), of IKT (International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art), of CEA (Commissaires d'Exposition Associés) and of Société Française d'Esthétique. He is the editor in chief of Annual Magazine No 5.

Articles Available Online



May 2014

The Interzone and Dexter Dalwood

Sarah Hegenbart

Dexter Dalwood


May 2014

‘Burroughs in Tangier’ (2005) has captivated me ever since its display in the 2010 Turner Prize Exhibition. The work...


May 2013

Interview with Darian Leader

Kishani Widyaratna


May 2013

A practicing Lacanian psychoanalyst, Darian Leader is one of a dying breed. It is no overstatement to say that...


Issue No. 7

Bracketing the World: Reading Poetry through Neuroscience

James Wilkes


Issue No. 7

The anechoic chamber at University College London has the clutter of a space shared by many people: styrofoam cups,...


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