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Brendan Riley

Brendan Riley’s writings and translations have appeared in, or at, a wide variety of print and web-based publications, including The Review of Contemporary Fictionn+1, Little Star Journal, BOMBLOGThree PercentAsymptoteNuméro Cinq, Bookslut, Publishers Weekly, and The New York Times. His translation of Eloy Tizón’s story 'The Mercury in the Thermometers' was included in Best European Fiction 2013. He has published two books in translation: Juan Velasco Moreno’s Massacre of the Dreamers (Editorial Polibea, 2011), and Álvaro Enrigue’s acclaimed Hypothermia (Dalkey Archive Press, 2013), named by the Times Literary Supplement as one of the best books of 2013.

Articles Available Online



September 2017

On The White Review Anthology

The Editors


September 2017

Valentine’s Day 2010, Brooklyn: an intern at the Paris Review skips his shift as an undocumented worker at an...


March 2017

Two Poems

Uljana Wolf

TR. Sophie Seita


March 2017

Mittens   winter came, stretched its frames, wove misty threads into the damp   wood. fogged windows, we didn’t...


November 2015

Streets of Contradiction


November 2015

Jerusalem has a remarkably cohesive identity, in architectural terms. Every building, from the Western Wall to the sleek hotels...


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