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Youssef Rakha

Youssef Rakha is a writer and photographer from Cairo. He has seven books in Arabic, including collections of poems, essays, and fiction, several travelogues, and one novel. His work in English has been featured in such publications as The New York Times, The Atlantic, McSweeney's, Banipal, and The Kenyon Review, among others. A translation of his novel The Crocodiles, the first in a trilogy, is due in Autumn 2014 from Seven Stories Press.

Articles Available Online

Hoarseness: A Legend of Contemporary Cairo


June 2014

Youssef Rakha


June 2014

U. Mubarak It kind of grows out of traffic. The staccato hiss of an exhaust pipe begins to sound like record scratching. Skidding and braking, the...



March 2016

Behind the Yellow Curtain

Annina Lehmann


March 2016

Notes from a workshop   At first, there is nothing but a yellow curtain at the back of the...


Issue No. 3

Rehearsal Room

KJ Orr


Issue No. 3

He was one of those people you see every day and start to believe you know when in fact...


May 2011

On the Relative Values of Humility and Arrogance; or the Confusing Complications of Negative Serendipity

Annabel Howard


May 2011

On a distinctly drizzly Wednesday evening in February a friend of mine looked at me and said: ‘Only those who...


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