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Zack Hatfield
Zack Hatfield is an assistant editor at Artforum.

Articles Available Online

Anna Boghiguian, The Loom of History

Art Review

June 2018

Zack Hatfield

Art Review

June 2018

Anna Boghiguian’s art has always been about a kind of looming: the hover of histories, their asphyxiating weft. Throughout her forty-year practice, the Cairo-born...



Issue No. 18

Interview with Eileen Myles

Maria Dimitrova


Issue No. 18

I sat across from Eileen Myles at a large empty table in her London publisher’s office a few hours...


June 2012

At Night the Wife Makes Her Point: Two Poems

Gioconda Belli

TR. Charles Castaldi


June 2012

AT NIGHT, THE WIFE MAKES HER POINT   No. I don’t have Cindy Crawford’s legs. I haven’t spent my...


February 2016

The Reactive

Masande Ntshanga


February 2016

My back cramps on the toilet bowl. I stretch it. Then I take two more painkillers and look down...


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