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Zack Hatfield
Zack Hatfield is an assistant editor at Artforum.

Articles Available Online

Anna Boghiguian, The Loom of History

Art Review

June 2018

Zack Hatfield

Art Review

June 2018

Anna Boghiguian’s art has always been about a kind of looming: the hover of histories, their asphyxiating weft. Throughout her forty-year practice, the Cairo-born...



March 2016

Seeing from behind: Park McArthur

Anna Gritz


March 2016

In a public conversation between Park McArthur and Isla Leaver Yap that accompanied the former’s exhibition Poly at the...


Issue No. 2

Interview with Michael Hardt

Chris Catanese

Karim Wissa


Issue No. 2

Michael Hardt is a philosopher and theorist best known for his collaboration with Antonio Negri on a trilogy of...


February 2015

In bed with the radio

Péter Závada

TR. Mark Baczoni


February 2015

IN BED WITH THE RADIO   You’d turned against me. There’s safety in knowing, I thought. Like lying in...


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