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Zack Hatfield
Zack Hatfield is an assistant editor at Artforum.

Articles Available Online

Anna Boghiguian, The Loom of History

Art Review

June 2018

Zack Hatfield

Art Review

June 2018

Anna Boghiguian’s art has always been about a kind of looming: the hover of histories, their asphyxiating weft. Throughout her forty-year practice, the Cairo-born...



January 2016

Forgetting: Chang'e Descends to Earth, or Chang'e Escapes to the Moon

Li Er

TR. Annelise Finegan Wasmoen


January 2016

Source Material   Her story is widely known. At first she stayed in heaven, then she followed a man...

Prize Entry

April 2015


Nick Mulgrew

Prize Entry

April 2015

After a while you memorise the steps. You read the addresses and your calves just know, hey. They just...


September 2013

9/11 Emerging

Joseph McElroy


September 2013

Others have it worse, have had, will always. ‘We,’ though, own the record now for largest building collapse.  ...


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