
Poets in Conversation: Hannah Regel and Nadia de Vries

Tuesday 17 November / 19.00 p.m / Online


Hannah Regel and Nadia de Vries discuss poetry and their poetic practice in the first of a short series of ‘poets in conversation’. 


Hannah Regel is the author of two collections of poetry, When I Was Alive and Oliver Reed (both Montez Press, 2017 and 2020). From 2012-19 Hannah co-edited the feminist art journal SALT. She is currently working on a novel about misuse. 


Nadia de Vries is a poet and essayist from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is the author of the critical memoir Kleinzeer (Uitgeverij Pluim, 2019; in Dutch) and the poetry collection Dark Hour (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018; in English). Her second collection, I Failed to Swoon, is forthcoming with Dostoyevsky Wannabe in 2021. She is currently working on her first novel.


Register at Eventbrite. A Zoom link will be emailed to attendees on the evening of the event.


Tickets are free or pay-what-you-want: restrictions on in-person events due to COVID-19 has meant THE WHITE REVIEW has lost a significant income stream this year. We traditionally sell copies of the magazine, and drinks, at live events, while keeping tickets free. As a registered charity and small arts organisation, we are now offering both free and pay-what-you-want tickets to our online events, in the hope that our supporters will donate a small amount. This goes directly back into the organisation, into the print magazine, free online content, and future events.




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