
Fondation Louis Vuitton Readings 13-14 November

The White Review presents two evenings of contemporary poetry and performance at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, on 13 and 14 November.


Invited to participate in the Poésie Now! programme curated by Jérôme Game as part of the museum’s inaugural celebrations, The White Review is excited to host two events on consecutive nights.


Thursday 13 November, 6pm: Performances by Andrea Brady and Keston Sutherland.


Friday 14 November, 6pm: Performances by Ed Atkins and Eugene Ostashevsky.


Both events take place in Gallery 2 at the Fondation Louis Vuitton. For tickets and further information please visit the FLV website.


ED ATKINS (b. 1982) has exhibited internationally, including recent solo exhibitions at Kunsthalle Zurich (2014); Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin (2013); MoMA PS1, New York (2013); Chisenhale Gallery, London (2012); Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (2012); Tate Britain, London (2011); Transmission, Glasgow (2010); and Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge (2010). Atkins’ ‘Even Pricks’, appeared in The White Review No. 9.


ANDREA BRADY’s books of poetry include Vacation of a Lifetime (Salt, 2001), Mutability: scripts for infancy (Seagull, 2012), Cut from the Rushes (Reality Street, 2013) and Dompteuse (Bookthug, 2014). She runs the Centre for Poetry at Queen Mary’s University, London, is director of the Archive of the Now ( and co-publisher of Barque Press (


EUGENE OSTASHEVSKY is a Russian-American poet and translator currently living in Paris and Berlin. As a poet, he has published The Life and Opinions of DJ Spinoza, as well as other books and chapbooks, with Ugly Duckling Presse. His current project, The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of Pi, tells of the relationship between a pirate and a parrot. He is the winner of the DAAD Berliner Künslerprogramm, the Best Translated Book Award, and other prizes.


KESTON SUTHERLAND is the author of The Odes to TL61P, Stupefaction: a radical anatomy of phantoms, The Stats on Infinity, Stress Position, Hot White Andy, Neocosis, Antifreeze and other books, and of many essays about poetry, society and politics. He lives and works in Brighton, UK.




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