
On Women’s Writing, with Katherine Angel & Lauren Elkin

We are delighted to announce the second launch event for The White Review No. 8 at Foyles, Charing Cross Road, on Thursday 22 August from 6.30-8.30pm.

‘Writing by women simply isn’t read, received, or written about in the way writing by men is,’ writes Lauren Elkin in her essay ‘Barking from the Margins: on écriture féminine’, featured in The White Review No. 8. To mark the launch, Lauren will be in conversation with Katherine Angel, author of Unmastered: A Book On Desire, Most Difficult To Tell, on the subject of women’s writing.

There will be drinks.

Please RSVP via Facebook or to editors [at] As is traditional, the after-party will take place at the Phoenix Artist’s Club across the road.




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