
The White Review Short Story Prize Award 2014

Please join us to celebrate the award of the White Review Short Story Prize 2014, Wednesday 30 April, from 18.30-late. 

The award will be announced by the novelist Adam Thirlwell, twice named on Granta’s Best of Young British Novelists’ list. 

There will be drinks. 


18.30: doors.
19.30: winner announced.
19.45: party.


Please note that RSVP is ESSENTIAL for this event as numbers are strictly limited. Please RSVP ONLY via the address.


‘Biophile’ by Ruby Cowling

‘Chiral’ by Paul Currion

‘MUEUM’ by SJ Fowler

‘by Accident’ by David Isaacs

‘Obsolescence’ by Joseph Mackertich

‘Lives of the Saints’ by Luke Neima

‘Submission for the Journal of Improbable Interventions’ by Brenda Parker

‘Spins’ by Eley Williams

Please note that all the shortlisted stories are available to read online:

Adam Thirlwell was born in London in 1978. He is the author of two novels; a novella; and a project with international novels that includes an essay-book, which won a Somerset Maugham Award, and a compendium of translations edited for McSweeney’s. He was selected as one of Granta’s Best of Young British Novelists in 2003 and again in 2013. His work has been translated into thirty languages.


The White Review Short Story Prize is an annual short story competition for emerging writers. Made possible by the generous support of the Jerwood Charitable Foundation in 2013, the prize awards £2,500 to the best piece of short fiction by a writer resident in the UK and Ireland who has yet to secure a publishing deal.

The judges will be looking for short stories that explore and expand the possibilities of the form. We encourage submissions from all literary genres, and there are no restrictions on theme or subject matter. We would only emphasise that the prize was founded to reward ambitious, imaginative and innovative approaches to creative writing.


In addition to the £2,500 prize, the winner will be published in a quarterly print issue of The White Review. Writers to have been published by The White Review include László Krasznahorkai, Peter Stamm, Joshua Cohen, César Aira, Deborah Levy, Francesco Pacifico, D. W. Wilson, Helen DeWitt, Federico Falco, K. J. Orr, Jesse Ball and many others.

The winner will have the chance to meet with jury member and literary agent Anna Webber to discuss their writing, plans for future work and possible routes to publication.

Shortlisted writers will have their work published online and receive feedback from the editors of The White Review.


We are delighted to have assembled a prestigious panel of judges to decide the award.

Kevin Barry is the author of the story collections Dark Lies The Island and There Are Little Kingdoms and the novel City Of Bohane. He has won the Impac Dublin City Literary Prize, the European Union Prize for Literature, and the Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award. His stories have appeared in the New Yorker, the Granta Book of the Irish Story, Tin House, and many other journals. He also works on screenplays and plays.

Max Porter is Senior Editor at Granta Books and Portobello Books. His authors include Ben Marcus, Eleanor Catton, Sarah Moss and Norman Rush.

Anna Webber is an agent at United Agents. She looks after David Szalay, Samantha Harvey, Alice Oswald and Sheila Heti among others.

In 2013, the inaugural White Review Short Story Prize was judged by novelist Deborah Levy, agent Karolina Sutton and editor Alex Bowler.



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