
The White Review No. 19 Launch

Join us at Matt’s Gallery on Thursday, 9 March to celebrate the launch of our nineteenth print issue. Readings by Alice Hattrick and Sophie Robinson will start shortly after 6.30 p.m., so be sure to get there early.


The event is free to attend. There will be drinks.


ALICE HATTRICK is a writer and producer based in London. She is currently a Contributing Editor of EROS and a co-editor of A-OR-IST.


SOPHIE ROBINSON is the author of A (Les Figues, 2009) and THE INSTITUTE OF OUR LOVE IN DISREPAIR (Bad Press, 2012). She lives in Norwich, where she is a Lecturer in Poetry at the University of East Anglia.


The new print edition is now available for pre-order via our website:


Only available in the print issue are interviews with Rosi Braidotti and Rachel Maclean; nonfiction by Jacqueline Feldman, Jill Magid and Thomas Clerc (trans. Daniel Levin Becker); fiction by Jason Schwartz; poetry from CA Conrad; artwork by Julia Dault, Rachel Maclean, David Noonan and Francis Upritchard.

To tide you over, we’ve released some content from the issue online. Read our interview with Alvaro Enrigue, Alice Hattrick’s meditation on illness and intimacy, an excerpt from Virginie Despentes’ Vernon Subutex (trans. Frank Wynne), and Sophie Robinson’s poems:




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